The Presiding Officer - the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy opened the Parliament’s morning plenary sitting.

The First Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Iryna Herashchenko delivered an ample report on the deliverance from captivity of 95 Ukrainian hostages, known as of today.

A.Parubiy voiced his hope that the next plenary week would start from considering a draft bill on the de-occupation of the Donbas.

Members of parliament delivered their statements, announcements and proposals.

To allow the Chairman to sign the laws pre-approved, there was a need today to consider five draft bills cancelling appropriate Parliament’s decisions taken before.

Further considering of the ratification draft bill No.0168 on the Inter-governmental protocol altering the Treaty on the mutual protection of classified information, pre-signed between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of Moldova was voted for by 188 members of parliament.

MPs reviewed and by majority of votes rejected the following draft bills:

-        No.7350-P on extension of transfer ban for agricultural lands,

-        No.7280-P on granting Ukrainian air companies a rebound period for switching to home-made crafts,

-        No.6776-D-P on providing for the 2018 budget revenues to be balanced out.

After that, the members of parliament leaped at the draft bill No.6016-d on auditing of financial statements, 112 amendments to which were then considered. Finally, the further debate on the bill was stood over for the next plenary meeting on Thursday.

The Presiding Officer closed the morning plenary meeting.

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