There has been held a roundtable on “The Growth Prospects of Affordable Housing Construction in Ukraine” at the committee.

The event had been triggered by a member of parliament and then co-organized by the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services (MinReg) and the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Housing Construction (SFPYHC).

In attendance, there were representatives from the Association of Ukrainian Cities, the Ukrainian Builders Confederation, the Construction Chamber of Ukraine, and the UN Refugee Agency's Ukrainian Office.

The table talks were focused on the problems in the affordable housing building in Ukraine and the ways it could be regulated by the law.

The experts and the industry ‘tradesmen’ in one voice emphasized the pressing need in launching certain operative gears to supply Ukrainians with affordable housing as well as taking the appropriate legislation by the Parliament. Incidentally, there was noted that some six hundred fifty-seven thousand families are enrolled as those to seek for improved housing in Ukraine; three to five million odd of Ukrainians are working abroad, and some 65% wishing to go overseas – notably, by the reason of unfeasibility of buying private dwellings for their families, among other grounds.

It was agreed at the table, despite the poor performance of previous housing programmes in Ukraine, such initiatives are much-needed beyond dispute. To attain success, there must be available stockpiles of power efficient reasonably-priced housing with no limits set to income level and place of residence of the citizens combined with adequate tools of financing.

It was stressed, that the improvement of the whole country’s social and economic situation along with ample investments are the core prerequisites for development of the housing programmes. The international experience on the issue was also touched upon at the round table.

The dialogue on affordable housing is still open.

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