Head of the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs met with representatives of the Ukrainian World Congress and the Lithuanian Seimas

Hanna Hopko, head of the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs met with a delegation of representatives of the Ukrainian World Congress headed by the President Eugene Czolij (Yevhen Cholii), and several Lithuanian parliamentarians.

The meeting was also attended by Serhii Kasianchuk, Director of the UWC Mission to Ukraine and Maryna Yaroshevych, Director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels. The participants coordinated their actions for 2018 towards promoting the European Investment Plan for Ukraine. Among the priorities of the European Investment Plan for Ukraine, which envisages EUR 50 billion worth of direct investment in the Ukrainian economy over a 10-year period will be infrastructure development and hi-tech.

There were much talks about the urgency in further implementing the internal reforms and laws adopted with the aim to bolster confidence to Ukraine, and improve the investment climate in the country.

During the meeting the committee head underscored the importance of harmonizing efforts in opposing the Russian aggression and meddling by the Kremlin in the democracy development processes of the civilized countries, administration of the Magnitsky Act recently voted for by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, and closer collaboration with Canada which is going to head the Group of 7 next year.

Particular attention was paid by the parties of the meeting to arrangements for honouring the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor genocide of the people of Ukraine.

Worthy of note


The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is the international coordinating body for Ukrainian communities in the diaspora representing the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians. The UWC is recognized by the UnitedNations Economic and Social Council as a non-governmental organization with special consultative status. In 2017, the UWC is commemorating its 50th anniversary.

UWC Network

The UWC has a network of member organizations and ties with Ukrainians in 53 countries.

The UWC has a network of Ukrainian member organizations in the following 35 countries: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America and Uzbekistan.

The UWC also has associate member organizations in the following 5 countries: Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey.

The UWC also maintains ties with Ukrainians in the following 13 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Chile, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mozambique, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates.

Purposes and objects of the UWC

The purposes and objects of the UWC are to:

promote the solidarity and represent the interests of the Ukrainian people throughout the world;

  • foster and coordinate an international network of member organizations that support and promote the development of Ukrainian religious, linguistic, spiritual, historical, cultural, and social heritage;
  • support the independence, territorial integrity, national identity and economic prosperity of Ukraine;
  • strengthen the bonds of Ukrainian communities and Ukrainians in the diaspora with Ukraine, including government and civil society;
  • secure the rights, status and interests of Ukrainians and Ukrainian communities, and to defend them wherever they are denied, violated or threatened;
  • promote democracy and human rights around the world, including monitoring democratic processes such as elections and referendums; and
  • cooperate with governments, nations, organizations, and individuals, to accomplish the above goals in the spirit of peace, freedom, equality and justice.
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