On Monday, The Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olexandr Moroz made a working visit to the Ternopil and Rivne regions.

At the press conference in Rivne, O.Moroz appraised current election campaign. He stated that "the threat to Ukraine´s statehood is represented by the willingness of certain people to amend the Constitution, not merely to hold the election".

O.Moroz also stated that "Our Ukraine" and BYuT will lack voices to form the coalition and they will exploit such methods as failure to bring the Deputies to the oath or calling the election invalid for some reasons. Thus, they would implement the idea of holding referendum ob the contents of the Constitution.

"This is very dangerous; therefore, I insisted on literal realization of Constitution during the opening and holding of the current session", - stated O.Moroz.

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