Starting from 10 December 2007, the Press Service of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Staff Department will effect accreditation of journalists and technical media personnel in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the Second and Third Sessions of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 6th Convocation.


Pursuant to the Regulations on the Accreditation Procedure for media journalists and technical personnel to gain access to The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Press Service will issue two types of Accreditation Card: Personal Accreditation Card and Accreditation Card for Temporary Accreditation.

Bearing in mind the seating capacity of the Press Box (74 fixed seats), the Press Service begs Media Managers to take a balanced decision as to the number of journalists who, upon receiving their Accreditation Cards, will report on Parliament activities on a regular basis.


For accreditation, please submit your application to the Press Service, addressed to Shvedova Viktoria Volodymyrivna, Head of Press Service at the Staff Department of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (no later than 14 January 2008).


 Since a large number of such applications is usually received by the Press Service, Accreditation Cards will be issued between 14 January to 31 January 2008 (Office 1111, 3-A Sadova St, Phone: 255-28-32, contact: Kostyleva Natalia Olexandrivna).


 Please note, that pursuant to The Constitution of Ukraine (Article 83, part 1) . Regular sessions of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine commence on the first Tuesday of February and the first Tuesday in September of each year.


Personal Accreditation Cards are issued by the Press Service to those journalists and technical personnel who are permanent employees of home and foreign media.


 Personal Accreditation Cards can be also issued to those journalists who are neither permanent nor part-time media employees, however cover the Parliament activities on a regular basis.


Accreditation Cards of Temporary Accreditation are issued by the Press Service to journalists and technical personnel, permanent employees of home and foreign media, who have, according to their Accreditation Application, a special task covering the activities of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine within a limited time framework. The Accreditation Card of Temporary Accreditation is issued for a maximum of a one month period.


Personal Accreditation Cards and Accreditation Cards of Temporary Accreditation are issued to journalists and technical personnel from foreign media on receipt of the appropriate Certificates of Foreign Media Employees, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


Any Accreditation or Additional Accreditation Applications from media journalists and technical personnel shall be submitted to the Press Service on the Editorial Board's letterhead, signed by the Media Manager and stamped with the seal of the company.


Any Accreditation or Additional Accreditation Applications from the home media shall include the following data: media founders or publishers; their purpose as stated in the Charter; publication circulation as of the application date (for printed media); coverage sphere (region); address; phone numbers of media managers; phone numbers, fax and e-mail of the Media Information Service; number of Personal Accreditation Cards or Accreditation Cards or Temporary Accreditations required; list of journalists and technical personnel using Accreditation Cards or Accreditation Cards of Temporary Accreditation, whose full names will be written on their cards by the Press Service, two photographs of each journalist or technical personnel member using Personal Accreditation Cards.


Any Accreditation or Additional Accreditation Applications from foreign media shall include the following data: address of media central editorial board; address of media correspondent in Ukraine; phone numbers, Fax and e-mail of Media Information Service; number of required; list of journalists and technical personnel using Personal Accreditation Cards or Accreditation Cards of Temporary Accreditation, whose full names will be written on their cards by the Press Service, two photographs of each journalist or technical personnel member using Personal Accreditation Cards. Attached to the Application shall be copies of the Certificates issued to foreign media employees by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


Enclosed with Accreditation or Additional Accreditation Applications from the printed media or Information Agencies must be a copy of their State Registration Certificate issued by the relevant State Authority the printed media shall also attach two latest issues of their periodical).


Enclosed with Accreditation or Additional Accreditation Applications from TV and Radio Companies must be a copy of the License for the use of a channel and broadcasting time, issued by the National Council of Ukraine for TV and Radio Broadcasting. TV/Radio Broadcasting companies producing their own material (Production Studios) must enclose a copy of their Contract with the TV Broadcasting Company for transmission of programmes or an 'Live On-air´ Certificate of programme transmission.


Enclosed with Accreditation Applications from Internet Editions should be names of the founders; address; phone numbers; fax and e-mail of the Information Service; the number of Personal Accreditation Cards required; a list of journalists and technical personnel using Personal Accreditation Cards, whose full names will be written on their cards by the Press Service; and two photos of each member using Personal Accreditation Cards.


Journalists who are not full-time or part-time media employees can obtain a personal Accreditation Card upon their accreditation pursuant to the Law, i.e. through applications from those media to which they contribute, or by submitting their individual application of accreditation enclosing documents confirming their professional skill, or an appropriate certificate confirming their co-operation with the media.


The Press Service will issue Personal Accreditation Cards and Accreditation Cards of Temporary Accreditation personally to journalists and technical media personnel, with a relevant entry made in the Press Service Log for Accreditation documents.


Full text of Accreditation Regulations can be found on the webpage of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (, Main Page, 'News' division, 'Messages' sub-division).

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