The Sub-group Chairman Mykola Azarov called on the People's Deputies to submit their proposals concerning the List of Committees provided as a Summary Table.

Following discussions, a decision was taken to leave unchanged the List of Committees as existed in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 5th Convocation.

These are committees dealing with: Standing Orders; Deputy's Ethics and Provision of Activities within The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Foreign Affairs; Judicial Policy; Justice; Law-Enforcement Legislative Support; Organised Crime and Corruption Combating; National Security and Defence; State Organisation and Local Government; Budget; Finances and Banking; Economic Policy; Industrial and Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship; Fuel and Energy Complex; Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety; Transport and Communications; Construction, and Housing and Utility Services; Agrarian Policy and Land Relations; Social Policy and Labour; Environmental Policy, Nature Management and Overcoming the Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath; Science and Education; Culture and Spirituality; Public Health; Pensioners, Veterans and the Disabled; Family Issues, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism; Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations; Freedom of Speech and Information; European Integration; plus an Ad Hoc Privatisation Supervisory Panel.


Following a discussion during the consideration of this issue, concerning the merger of several Committees, the Clerical Division Office of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was required to prepare a detailed review of areas covered by the Committees dealing with Foreign Affairs; European Integration; Judicial Policy; Justice; State Organisation and Local Government; Environmental Policy, Nature Management and Overcoming the Chornobyl Disaster Aftermath; and Economic Policy. The scope of these Committees requires a clearer-cut definition, the People's Deputies decided.


The issues associated with the organisation of Deputy's Factions and Coalition in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 6th Convocation need no amendments, since they are clearly laid down in the relevant legislative instruments, the Sub-group Members concluded.


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