The Bill (Reg. No. 3674), submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers, aims at rendering the State Border Services the right to form and exploit information systems, including databases, about people who crossed the State border of Ukraine for the sake of National economic security. According to the authors of the Bill, this will enable the bodies of the Ministry of Labour and State Employment Office to secure effective control over implementation of the programs of public social security and due counteraction to abuse in the system of recipients of State social and insurance payments.
The Bill also envisages establishment of the obligatory notification of the intention to go abroad, purpose and duration of stay, by the persons registered as unemployed under the established procedure. Failure to notify will be considered the reason for suspension of the dole payment.
The authors of the Bill deem necessary to amend the legislative acts, since the bodies of the public social security system, as main institution in charge of budget funds for implementation of State programs of public social security, should secure control over their purposeful use, according to the duties, that the Ministry of Labour is charged with.
However, at present there is no mechanism for verification of information about the recipients of different types of social assistance and benefits who temporarily stay abroad.
The authors of the Bill consider the information system of State Border Services as the only means of control over legitimate reception of social payments and dole by the relevant categories of citizens, provided they stay abroad.