L. Isayev, the author of the Bill, deems necessary to adopt the Law, because legislation of Ukraine in the issues of transport does not completely comprehend the peculiarities of activity in the field of the underground.
According to the statistical data, more than 750 million passengers go annually by underground in Ukraine. Therefore, it requires legislative regulation of the activities of the underground.
According to the author, the following issues require State regulation first of all:
- authority and relations of central and local executive bodies and local government bodies in the field of activities of the underground;
- the participation of State in the preparation of programs and implementation of policy in the development of underground network;
- provision of State financial support in construction and development of the underground, determining financial commitments of local budgets for settling the issues of construction financing and purchase of rolling stock of the underground;
- issues of land and lease relations during the construction and functioning of the underground;
- the challenges of the underground in the special functioning period;
- establishment of tax and other benefits;
- settlement of some issues concerning licensing and certification.
The Bill (Reg. No. 3713) defines basic terms in the field of the underground, issues of construction and development financing; relations between building owners and carriers; transportation by the underground; safety and protection of the objects etc.