The Meeting was held in the offices of The Social Policy and Labour Committee on 21 November.


Commenting on major breakthroughs in the improvement of the National Law regulating Social and Labour Relations, including the provision of Rights and Freedoms of workers and employers, the first Vice Chairman of the Social Policy and Labour Committee Ya. Sukhiy, and  the Chairman of the Sub-Committee of State Social Security, Development of  Social Partnership and the Activities of Associations of Citizens as Parties to Social Partnership V. Khara, took heed of  the  Labour Code of Ukraine and the Bill 'On Social Dialogue in Ukraine',  prepared with assistance from the social partners. They advised  their distinguished guest on the actual steps being taken by the Government and Parliament towards progressing the social dialogue, among them the setting up  of the National Trilateral Socioeconomic Council  under the control of the President of  Ukraine,  together with trilateral Socioeconomic Councils aimed at the development of social dialogue at  National and Regional levels. A system of obligatory State Social Insurance has been put into effect, governed by the three parties of the social dialogue. An effective dialogue has been established and a friendly environment created for each of its parties, thus improving their status in society, as well as achieving social cohesion in the State.


The Committee Members also reported that bringing to life the fundamental rights and freedoms of workers and employers furthered the creation of employers´ associations and   organisations   (the Ministry of Justice has registered 14 of these as of 20.11.2007).


The Deputies drew the attention of the IOE representative to the actual steps taken by our State to provide the Rights and Freedoms of workers and employers, as laid down in the IOE Convention No.87. For example, the Social Policy and Labour Committee of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine held an inquiry 'On the state of observance  in Ukraine of the Rights enjoyed by Trade Unions and Employers' Organisations,  to which  they are entitled by the IOE  Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention No. 87' (11 April 2007).  The development of effective social dialogue is one of Ukraine's priorities, but this dialogue is only possible subject to the observance of Rights and Freedoms of workers and employers. The Committee Members stressed that the whole complex of Legislative, Judicial and Organisational, and Institutional measures The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Government follow are directed towards the creation of conditions for the free development of Trade Unions and Employers' Organisations, in line with the IOE Convention provisions.


The Secretary General of the International Organisation of Employers Mr Antonio Penalosa elaborated on the achievements and problems faced by the International Organisation of Employers, and its new members from Eastern Europe. He also added that, in his opinion, Ukraine is taking the necessary steps to gain a strong position within the International community. 'The social dialogue should be transparent and fair, and free from any pressure from either party. You should not only import ideas, but make use of your own hands-on experiences too. The Government should not expect its proposals to be pushed forward, but must look to other members of the partnership to come out with their own ideas. The final decision should be taken by those taking part in the social dialogue,' stressed Antonio Penalosa.  To this end, all necessary conditions for the independent representation of trade unions and employers in the social dialogues should be created.

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