The adoption of the Law aims at legal definition of the concept "extremist activity", establishment of principles, legal and organizational foundations of counteraction to extremism, and also amenability for its implementation.

The Bill (Reg. No. 4010) suggests determining authority of the State bodies regarding measures for prevention of extremism, fighting it and counteraction to its financing. The Bill also aims at establishing control and supervision over legitimacy of performing counteraction to extremism and at determining amenability of persons and organizations for performing extremist activity.

The Bill also envisages provision of social protection of the people who suffered from extremist activity. According to the Bill, harm inflicted on the people by extremist activity should be compensated at the expanse of persons and organizations that performed it.  

People´s Deputy Oleh Antipov, the author of the Bill, deems necessary to adopt the Bill, because activity of criminal groupings and extremist associations is expanding all over the world. As it is indicated in the explanatory note, the adoption of the Law will promote intensification of State control over prohibition of extremist activity of persons and organizations in Ukraine, creating conditions for protection of people who suffered from such activity etc.

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