The Committee on agrarian policy and land relations is considering the relevant Bill (Reg. No. 3724) that envisages amendments to several legislative acts of Ukraine (re specification of authority of monitoring bodies of the State Land Resources Committee).  

The Bill suggests rendering "more effective authority" to the monitoring bodies of the special authorized executive body on land resources, concerning, in particular, examination in accordance with established procedure of land plots lent for disposition and permanent activity of  army units, institutions, military schools, enterprises and organizations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, internal affairs bodies, bodies and establishments of execution of punishments, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry for Extraordinary Situation, State Border Service of Ukraine, other military units, formed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine, and also military units of foreign countries that are dislocated on the territory of Ukraine according to the international agreements.

The authors of the Bill state that monitoring bodies of the State Land Resources Committee should be empowered to seal the rooms, separate departments (workshops), and equipment of enterprises, establishments, organizations and objects, if a resolution on the restriction or temporary prohibition (cessation) of their activity is adopted in accordance with the established procedure.

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