This Resolution (Reg. No. 1003) requires that the TV and Radio Broadcasting National Council of  Ukraine, and the Television and Radio Broadcasting State Committee of Ukraine - governed by   the Law of Ukraine 'On the Media Coverage Procedure  for the Activities of State Authorities and Local Governments in Ukraine', 'On State Procurements of Goods, Services and Jobs', the Budget Code of Ukraine, and the Standing Orders of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Clause 3 -  provide the placement of the State Contractual Order for the coverage of proceedings of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 6th Convocation, so as to ensure the  mandatory media coverage of proceedings of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine within the funding limits provided for in the relevant Laws of Ukraine on the State Budget of Ukraine.


The National TV Company of Ukraine  must also  provide broadcasting  on its First National Channel of the following:


- a  balanced informational  'Parliamentary Day'  15 min TV programme,  whose production is  assigned to the Staff Department of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in the evening on days when Plenary Meetings  or 'Questions to the Government Hour' are held;


-  45 min TV programmes, whose organisation and production are assigned to the Staff Department of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,  each week on Saturdays  between 6 pm and 11 pm. Appearing in  this programme on a proportional basis shall be members of the Deputy Factions, according to the Schedule of Participation of People's Deputies of Ukraine, as agreed with the Chairmen of Deputy Factions.


The National TV Company of Ukraine must provide live broadcasts, on its First National Channel, of the Plenary Meetings of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Parliamentary Hearings, as well as  ensure the  organisation  and live broadcasting,  every Thursday between 6 pm and 11 pm,  of 45 min thematic programmes  with participation by Members of Deputy Factions represented on a proportional basis.


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