On Saturday, the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O. Moroz met with the Leaders of the Election Monitoring Mission of the CIS IPA and the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Federation Council at the Early Election for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Opening the meeting, O. Moroz thanked the Mission members for making the decision to come to Ukraine as Observers at the early parliamentary election. He expressed his expectations that the election would be carried out in a democratic manner, due to amendments in the election law preventing falsifications.

"The presence of Observers at elections is always helpful," the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine said. Around 3,000 foreign observers will, to his knowledge, be involved in this early election.


At the same time, when providing an account of the election campaign, O. Moroz stressed the many infringements  throughout the preparation of voters' lists and expressed his anxiety over 'the pressure on the members of election committees'.

Alexander Torshin, the Vice-Chairman of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly Federation Council and Head of the CIS MPA Delegation, in his turn thanked O. Moroz for the invitation to be present at the election as observers. He also expressed his expectation of transparent and fair elections.

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