A Letter of Condolence, dated 18 November 2007, following the tragedy in the O.F. Zasiadko Mine, has been received by the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O. Moroz from the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic F. Bertinotti


The text of the letter:


'I am deeply upset to hear the horrific news of the accident in the Zasiadko Coal Mine near Donetsk, which happened tonight taking the  lives of over thirty workers.

I would like to express to you, Mister Chairman, sincere condolences from me personally and also from the Chamber of Deputies, and would ask you to  pass on these words of  solidarity with all those affected by this horrific event to all the relatives of the victims of this terrible tragedy.


These tragic circumstances have once again demonstrated to the World community the necessity of pursuing a new policy for the workers, guaranteeing each of them the right to life and their personal protection.'


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