A  relevant Bill ' On Boosting  the Usage of Biological  Fuels' ( Reg. No. 1114)  was registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


The People's Deputies S. Pashynsky and O. Cherpitsky, authors of the Bill, suggest to define the 'major legal, economic and organizational concepts behind a  drive aiming to create incentives for the production and consumption of biological fuels and develop a national fuel market in Ukraine, based on   biomass which provides a renewable feedstock for production of biological fuels'.


The principles underlying the State policy in the field of production and consumption of biological fuels should,   according to the Bill, include stimulating the manufacturers and users of biological fuels to achieve their wide usage in Ukraine; reduction of carbon-dioxide emissions as required by the Kioto Protocol; support of investment activities related to biofuels, etc.


The principal steps towards a growth in production and consumption of biological fuels include a conversion of the existing Spirits Plants to start production of bioethanol, fuel components and bioethanol-based fuel, and construction of new plants with an output of 5,000 to 10,000 tons of biofuel.


The intended steps include a preparation of Indicative plans to increase the output of fuel by manufacturers and   provision of a mechanism to control the fulfillment thereof, including sanctions to control violations and systematic steps to boost the usage of biological fuel in the agricultural and transport sectors.


The Bill envisages a possible ( as initiated by the owner) re-equipment of facilities for operation using biofuel, provided  that this has no impact on the operational safety of said facilities, according to the requirements by the State Supervisory bodies. A business with the production of biological fuels is subject to licensing under a procedure laid down by the law.


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