The Bill (Reg. No. 4019) suggests settling requirements to the derivates, their issue and circulation, trade organizers and derivatives traders (dealers), and procedure of State regulation in this field. 

According to the Bill, "a derivative is a financial instrument which testifies the commitment and/or right of purchase (sale) of basic assets and/or conducting pecuniary payments in future in established terms, for the price and on conditions, determined on the day of testifying the commitments. The price of the derivatives depends directly or indirectly on the price (or its change) of the basic assets".

The basic assets of the derivatives will include: securities; goods (except of securities); currency valuables (except of securities); other assets (basic variables), including stock indices, interest rates, exchange rates. The participants of the market of derivatives will be the following: organizers of derivatives trade; clearing boards; pay banks; derivatives traders; issuers of derivative securities; other professional participants of stock market.

The adoption of the Bill will allow settling additional requirements for issue and circulation of derivatives, which will influence positively on the development of the derivatives market and will grant a possibility to attract additional investments and increase transparency of national economy.

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