The Author of the Bill (Reg. No.1274), the People´s Deputy A. Yatseniuk, proposes  ‘to improve the method of making procedural decisions by The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, taking into account that  elections of Parliament´s Membership is by means of a Proportional Representation system, hence a Deputy Faction is its primary structural unit.´

The Bill envisages that the adoption of procedural decisions will result from a minimum vote of 150 People´s Deputies, provided that no other Deputy Faction is against this decision. Where at least one Faction is against this Decision, it can be passed by at least 226 votes of People´s Deputies.

Currently Clause 49 of the Standing Orders lays down a simplified decision-taking mechanism for so-called ‘Procedural´ decisions on those matters defined in the Standing Orders (among them those which do not lead to the passing of  an Act  by The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine). However such decisions can, in various ways, affect The Verkhovna Rada´s passing of its legislative Act.

A suggestion to adjust Clause 66 of the Standing Orders with Clause 65 has been made. The  wording of  the Provision concerning terminations of  the functioning of a Coalition of People´s Deputies shall be improved, and namely:

‘Where a laid down number of People´s Deputies terminate their authorities early, for reasons as laid down in The Constitution of  Ukraine (Part Two of Clause 81), then during the interim period necessary for completion of the Procedure for their replacement by new  Deputies from the relevant Electoral Lists of political parties (Electoral blocs of Political Parties), the number of Deputies forming the Coalition can  be fewer than as defined in Clause 83 of The Constitution of Ukraine.´

However in this case, the functioning of the Coalition can only be halted if the procedure of replacement is not possible (the Electoral Lists have been exhausted). Otherwise, where no other changes in the Membership of the Coalition occur, as defined in Clause 65 of the Standing Orders, the functioning of this Coalition should only be halted during the period required to complete the  replacement procedure of the People´s Deputy whose authorities have been  terminated early, and renovate the Coalition Membership of People´s Deputies to a complement not less than that laid down in The Constitution of Ukraine.


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