To the Employees of Ukraine´s Archive Institutions


Dear Friends,


I extend my heartfelt congratulations to your large and united team on your Vocational Holiday, The Day of Ukraine´s Archive Institutions´ Workers


In your time-consuming and complex daily work you demonstrate professional skills, great energy, enthusiasm, initiative, and competence recognized far beyond our Motherland. Dealing with the direct evidence of history and feeling it come alive, you, like no-one else, are aware of that intense level of responsibility to the Past, Today, and the Future.

With your painstaking efforts, you are creating The National Archive Fund, a unique fount of historical memories, which is of vital importance to Ukraine in making its way in this large and diverse world. Your noble activities, aimed at filling in the ‘blanks´ in the Modern History of your Nation, the renewal of justice towards many of your compatriots, and the reawakening of thousands of glorious names from oblivion, are indeed invaluable.


On this special day, I wish good health, and the realization of all your hopes and plans, to you and your families.

A Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


I wish you all much success!



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