There are || bodies in focus of our committee scan today:


  • Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence

At its 22 May sitting, committeemen examined proposals of Ukraine’s defence ministry to the ministers’ action programme. Following the debate, there was decided to approve the proposals with some reservations.

In addition, members of the committee saw into the issue of approval of main figures of the state defence order for 2020-2022.  


  • Committee on Law Enforcement

At its 22 May sitting, the committee reran a pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft bill No.3354 “On amendments to the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine as to harsher accountability for failure to comply with legitimate demands of a Ukrainian MP, the Accounting Chamber, a member of the Accounting Chamber”.

The bill aims to stiffen responsibility for such misconducts, with emphasis against public officers - wrongdoers. To this end, Article 188-19 of the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine will be correspondingly amended to now represent pecuniary penalty/fine varying from 10-50 to 200-500 tax-exempt minimum incomes (temi) for infracting the set response times or failure to provide, or providing false, incomplete or inaccurate information against an MP’s appeal; or from 100-400 to 400-800 tax-exempt minimum incomes (temi) for infracting the set response times or failure to provide, or providing false, incomplete or inaccurate information against an MP’s inquiry, and so forth. Even harsher punishment is established for the aforementioned violations committed by public officers/officials against MPs, local deputies, VRU committees, VRU temporary committees of inquiry or special temporary committees of inquiry (Article 351 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Following the debate, the committee recommended that the parliament take the bill No.3354 on the second reading and in whole.

The committee also saw into the issue of VRU’s assignees to be picked out to staff the bench of a selection board in charge of holding a competition to name the SBI’s director. Following the discussion, committeemen approved the rules of procedure for reviewing the issue at the next committee sitting.

Afterwards, committeemen considered the following draft bills and decided to include them into the agenda of the third session of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation:

Bill No.3339 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding child maintenance payments”;

Bill No.3418 “On amendments to Article 188-5 of the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine as to harsher environmental responsibility for failure to comply with legitimate demands of officials exerting state control in the environmental sector”;

Bill No.3474 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine as to the cancel for labelling of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer programmes, databases”;

Bill No.3425 “On amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the moderation of pressure on businesses by humanizing liability for business crimes”;

Bill No.3381 “On amendments to the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine as to the liability for failure to comply with legitimate demands of a local councillor”;

Bill No.2741 “On amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine for administrative crimes against a legal appraisal”.



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