There are || bodies in focus of our committee scan today:


  • Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy

At its 13 May sitting, the committee reviewed the committee’s findings of April 24, 2020 as concerns the draft law No.3377 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the state support to culture, creative industries, tourism, small and medium-sized businesses in connection with restrictive measures caused by the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)”.

The law is to amend a variety of Ukrainian laws and codes with the aim to update and improve legal relations in many areas of activity that suffer sudden changes sparked off by the COVID-19 spread. The committee’s decision is to recommend that the parliament take the bill on the first reading.


  • Committee on National Security, Defence and Intelligence

The сommittee considered the defence ministry’s proposals to the draft action programme of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and a draft bill with amendments to main figures of the state defence order for 2020-2022.

Following the consideration, committeemen decided to recommend that the defence ministry take the committee’s proposals to the said programme dated May 7, 2020 into account as accurately as possible.

In addition, members of the committee considered and approved draft amendments to main figures of the state defence order for 2020-2022 in the context of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine.

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