Chairperson oft the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov congratulated personnel of automobile transport and public road system of Ukraine on their professional holiday

Press Service
26 October 2014, 08:00

To the personnel

of automobile transport and

public road system of Ukraine


Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of automobilist and highway worker!

It is natural that for many years representatives of two glorious professions celebrate this holiday together on the last Sunday of October, since the results of work of public road system personnel are always on the surface and automobilists are the first one to experience them.  

Today we cannot imagine our life without roads and highway service. A qualitatively new dimension – speed and mobility – appear in our life due to hard work of highway workers and skillfulness of drivers.

Realias pose new tasks and challenges before our country on the way to Europe. I am convinced that you will easily cope with them and Ukraine will have comfortable European roads even in the remotest corners of our country.

Romans used to say Via est vita” - “Road is life”. I wish you smooth and safe wide roads leading all of us into Ukraine’s democratic and European future!