Evening session's over

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
06 September 2018, 18:04

The Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Parubiy opened the evening plenary meeting.

Parliamentarians went on considering ratification issues.


Laws and bills passed


On conforming Ukraine’s Criminal Code to international standards

Draft bill No.6243

The parliament has enacted the law of Ukraine “On amendments to article 149 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine aimed at adaption to international standards”. The new law reshapes the whole wording of article 149 “Human trafficking”, stepping up at the same time the appropriate criminal liability in more detail.

On legal paperwork for religious organizations

Draft bill No.6642

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed the law of Ukraine “On amendments to the law of Ukraine “On state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and civil society organizations” pertaining to legal paperwork for religious organizations”.

The redressed law makes up for the gaps in the law, refining and easing the paperwork procedure for religious organizations, in particular to the extent of verification of signatures when re-applying for registration of alterations.       

On access of persons with special educational needs to educational services

Draft bill No.8556

The Parliament of Ukraine has enacted the law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain legislative enactments of Ukraine concerning access of persons with special educational needs to educational services”.

The new law alters the laws of Ukraine “On Pre-school Education”, “On Out-of-school Education”, and “On Vocational Education and Training” to the extent of ensuring the right to persons with special educational needs to acquire education, to obtain psychological and educational services as well as correction- and development-training services at educational establishments. Another goal of the updated law is also to make the said legislative acts conform to law of nations and the law of Ukraine “On Education”.


The presiding officer closed the meeting.