Hanna Hopko condemns "Kneissl-Putin wedding"

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
17 August 2018, 14:45

The foreign affairs committee head Hanna Hopko’s stand on Putin’s “putting in” the Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl’s wedding ceremony

Recently, speculations have been rife out there that the Russian President V.Putin will attend the wedding of the Austrian foreign minister this weekend.

With bitterness, the foreign affairs committee head Hanna Hopko pointed out that the rumoured attendance of the event by a person  who deserves to be ‘Put In’ the dock, seems to ruin Austria’s neutrality straightforwardly; Austria, whose marked go-between abilities might vastly deliver benefits in these hard times for Ukraine internationally.

Putin’s wedding gig is seen to be a smashing blow at European values, a brazen dare that must be considered intolerable in these deadly times of heavy hunger strikes by the Kremlin’s political prisoners, Oleh Sentsov and Volodymyr Balukh first of all; when everyday tortures are resorted to over Ukrainians throughout the occupied territories and no international monitors, including the Red Cross, have had access to those apprehended for years; when Ukraine’s east is rife with daily shelling seeing that every peace agreement is set at overt defiance by the President of the Russian Federation.

At the end of her rebuke, the politician also highlighted it was quite unpleasant among the European guests of honour to see a person who had had a heavy hand in downing a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet MH17 and the infamous tragedies in Aleppo and Salisbury.