Evening plenary meeting concludes

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
05 September 2017, 19:00

The Parliament has adopted at this meeting the law of Ukraine “On Education” under the draft bill No.3491-d.

The bill regulates social relations arising from a constitution-guaranteed human right to education, rights and obligations of individuals and legal entities taking part in exercise of the right; the law also establishes the terms of reference for state authorities and local government related to the sphere of education.

The law clearly stipulates as follows: “Everyone has the right to quality and affordable education. This right implies the right to obtain a lifelong education, the right to accessible education, the right to free education in the cases and pursuant to procedure provided for by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. In Ukraine, free and equal access to education is secured through the law. No one may be restricted in the right to education. This right is guaranteed regardless of age, sex, race, level of health, disability, citizenship, nationality, political, religious or other convictions of any kind, skin colour, place of residence, language of communication, origin, social and financial position, etc.”.

The law specifies that the human right to education may be exercised through obtaining it at different levels of education, in manifold ways and forms, including pre-school, comprehensive, extracurricular, vocational, higher education and adult (continuing) education.

The law formulates education policy of state according to which “education is a state priority to provide for innovative, social and economic, and cultural development of society. Financing of education is kind of investments in human potential, stable development of state and society”.

The state education policy is defined by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, whereas the Cabinet, the central executive body on education and science, other executive authorities and local governments are the policy implementers.

The law legibly stipulates that the language of education at the relevant establishments is the national language of the state.

The law determines modes of education, formats of getting educated, legal form of organization for education establishments along with their home rule, administration, rights and duties of the founders.

The law also refines the management system in the education sphere, and adjusts its economic activities.

The presiding officer closed the evening meeting.

September the 6th is a “homework day” for MPs.

The next plenary session is to take place on September the 7th.