Committees’ update

Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
19 July 2017, 12:00

One committee is today in focus:

Committee on Transport

…considered 50 issues during the 6th session time span, half of which on control over law administration.

The adoption of the law on a state civil aviation air security programme in March prepared by the committee was underlined at the concluding meeting.

Within the session, eight sittings were conducted covering the entire span of the transport branch activities - including water transport, road management, railway transportation etc. Fifty issues during the 6th session time span, half of which on control over law administration, were considered at the meetings. Twenty conferences, seminars, and roundtables were organized within the same period of time; 1079 letters and claims processed.

At the last session’s meeting the committeemen approved its next session work plan and the agenda comprising, in particular, the following core points:

Bill No.2712 – the Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine with the aim to promote navigation in Ukraine;

Bills No.2475-a, 2475a-3 – on inland water transportation;

Bill No.4012a – on amendments to the law on motor transport in order to reconcile the law with the European standards.

In general, the plan encompasses eleven issues to have already been prepared for consideration at the plenary meetings. Twenty core questions are under consideration by the committee at present. There will be 9 roundtables and working group sittings on the pressing branch issues during the next session. The law on railway transport, participation in an all-Ukrainian traffic safety week, draft bills on inland water transport, implementation of the UA-EU association agreement are also scheduled to be discussed.

“Regretfully, the parliamentarians did not back up a range of much-awaited transport laws for some political reasons. However, we stay in hopes that the autumnal Parliament would go on more task-oriented and the vital transport laws would be propped,” concluded the committee’s head.