Verkhovna Rada Chairman Andriy Parubiy congratulates Ukrainians on 25th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence

Press Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Secretariat
24 August 2016, 01:00

Dear Ukrainians,

I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of declaration of Ukraine's Independence.

The day of independence declaration embodied the dreams and desires of our ancestors to live in a free country.

The declaration of Independence is the victory of thousands of the killed fighters for the will of Ukraine. The restoration of the Ukrainian statesmanship is a fundamental event in the millennial history of the state's building in Ukraine.

Twenty-five years ago, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declared Ukraine's Independence.

The Ukrainian Parliament has always been an expresser of the will of the Ukrainian people.

Today the Ukrainian Parliament is creating legal basis to eliminate corruption, consolidate defense capacity and security of the state, is holding decommunization to eventually free the society from the features of the soviet occupation.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, National Guard and the Border troops have been revived and enhanced to protect our borders.

We must continue uniting and all the Ukrainian people have to become the one.

I wish everyone unity and inspiration in joint work on unification and development of powerful Ukraine!

Let God bless our independence and all the Ukrainians and lead us to the victory!

Glory to Ukraine!