13 May 2023

On May 13-14, 2023, the First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Korniienko will pay a working visit to the Republic of Estonia. 

The program envisages participation of the First Deputy Speaker in the Lennart Meri International Security Conference, named after the President of the Republic of Estonia (1992-2001), who played a major role in consolidating the country after restoring its independence from the soviet union.

The event will bring together politicians, analysts, military and academics from around the world. The participants will discuss foreign and security policy issues from the perspective of the northern and eastern parts of Europe.

During the visit, Oleksandr Korniienko will also hold a number of bilateral meetings with Estonian officials, including President of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis and Second Vice Speaker of the Riigikogu (Parliament) Juri Ratas.


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