To the veterans

of the Great Patriotic War,

citizens of the city of Uzhgorod


Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the 70th liberation anniversary of the city of Uzhgorod from fascist invaders.

The holiday of liberating your native land is always an unforgettable event. The joy and grief, as well as pain and hope remind of the military deed of liberators.

A lot of years have passed but this date remains a great source of patriotism and an example for the generations to come, for those who today decently face the threats to sovereignty and independence of our state.

Today we bow low to wise senior mentors who lived through the war, famine and ruination but did not lose their faith and showed the example of selfless service to Homeland by daily changing their native land for the better.

I wish you sound health, good mood, family comfort and warmth, as well as new achievements for the good of the sovereign Ukrainian State!



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