There are  //  bodies in focus of our committee scan today:

Committee on Financial Policy and Banking

The committee commends the parliament to take it on the first reading the bill rectifying some provisions in the area of banking supervision.

The bill No.9067 is to amend the law of Ukraine “On banks and banking“, granting the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) the right to appoint a special on-site inspector (or inspectors) empowered to watchdog a bank’s activities with an extremely broad remit as to free and uncrossed access to all the bank’s premises and getting information from the bank consigned, including seizure of bank documents (copies) as well.

The bill also commissions the NBU to disenroll the bank data from the state banking register as the delicensing and bank liquidation decision is made.

During the bill debate, its adoption was backed by the need to improve the NBU’s supervisory function in order to strengthen Ukraine’s banking system and the sector on the whole, refine the legal and organizational conditions for its functioning, as well as polish the procedures for temporary administration and forced liquidation of banks. It was also noted that the adoption would bring the national banking legislation closer to the European Union's legislative framework in the field of banking.

Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Provided the committee's remarks are factored into, the body commends the parliament to pass the draft resolution No.8576 to amend the Donetsk oblast’s administrative and territorial structure, change the city limits of the city of Horlivka and the Bakhmut district. The paper also offers to enlarge the Bakhmut district’s area by some 72 hectares.

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